Frequently Asked Questions
How can I register?
REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED. Registration is on Saturday, March 9 at the Nazareth Boro Park from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. We do not have a waiting list. If anything opens up, it will be posted on Facebook and the website on a first-come-first-serve basis. Thank you for your understanding.
Are there more dates for registration?
At this time, there is only one date for sign-ups. Once we review the registration count, we will reevaluate to see if we will add more sign-ups. It is in-person on Saturday, March 9th from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. To be fair to everyone, there will be no early registration.
Is there any way to do registration online?
We are a first-come-first-serve registration that is in person so that we can be fair to all of our customers. Registration is on March 9th from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. You come that day to register. If after that event we feel like our camp has more space, we will add another day however in the past two years, we have closed camp the day of our initial in-person registration due to numbers.
What if I can't make it on March 9th, does that mean my child misses out?
You can send your registration packet and your first weeks deposit along with a friend, grandma, aunt, neighbor or anyone, they will just need to give it to the correct team. What does that mean? Your child's team is the grade they have completed this school year/June 2024.
Can I register for all 6 weeks even if we might make vacation plans?
Yes BUT DO NOT sign up for all 6 weeks just to "hold" a spot. Your payment will not be refunded if you cancel. We still need to pay our staff and other children in the community lose the opportunity to attend camp if you sign up and then cancel at the last minute.
If my child has already participated in Camp Soar and did the pre-registration at the end of last summer, what do I do now?
If your child is registered and we have all of the information from the registration packet along with one week deposit, you are good to go. The only thing you would need to update on that packet is the weeks that your child will be attending. You are allowed to change your weeks that you will be coming to camp but that needs to be done prior to the start date and as soon as possible. (continued below)
(Continued) How would I do that?
You can shoot us an email at and tell us the weeks that your children are going to participate. We will then update the registration form and add the weeks that you plan on attending as long as you have sent one weeks deposit for one or all of your children along with all of their paperwork. Once this is done, you are ready to go!
What are the hours?
9:00 AM to 12:00 PM Monday through Friday. We are a recreational program, we are not a childcare provider. We run a very structured program and have a busy morning.
If my child is heading to kindergarten can they start Camp SOAR this year?
As long as your child is five during the weeks of camp, they may begin. If your child doesn't turn five until August 3, they will need to wait one more year. If your child turns five on July 1, they can start coming after their 5th birthdate.
My child just completed six grade however they will still be 12 throughout the summer, can they still attend Camp SOAR?
They absolutely can. We know that many of our campers have been with us from the start and the thought of stopping makes them sad! So we let them hold on as long as we can! We did start a new rotation last year that included all 12 year-olds who were headed to seventh! We try and give this group of kids a different structure, and we give them more freedom to pick and choose the activities they want to participate in. We try to do community service activities and get them into the mindset of volunteerism so that when they become 14 years of age and want to head back to us as a junior counselor so they know the expectations and what that will look like for them!
Does my child need to swim to enjoy pool Fridays?
We will give every camper a swim test to know what part of the pool they may use. Only children in the second grade and up may go off the diving boards after passing a test. The cost of the pool is included in the registration fee. You do not have to pay extra for the pool. Your pool pass will not be accepted during camp pool time. Each group gets 30 minutes of pool time.
Is a doctor's signature needed on the emergency form?
No doctor's signature is required on the forms.
Do they have to wear masks?
Masks are not mandatory for campers or staff but staff will wear them if someone has a summer cold or is in extremely close proximity. Do not send your child if they are not feeling well. One exposure can set the entire program back. If your child is sick, we will credit the time away from the program.
What if my child tests positive for COVID?
If your child tests COVID, keep them home until your doctor gives approval and they are not symptomatic (fever, vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, sneezing).
What if I have a question not listed here?
If you have any questions, you can email or enter a comment on Facebook and we will answer them. Things are always evolving and changing with our program (mostly because our numbers have increased every summer.) We try our best to accommodate everyone unfortunately that is not always possible, our goal is to provide a quality program!
How are children grouped together?
They are grouped together by the grade they just completed.
Do they have to attend all of the sessions?
No, we are flexible. You can pay by the day!
What if my child is not feeling well before camp?
Please do not send your child to camp if they are not feeling well.
What if my child does not feel well during camp?
If your child starts to feel ill, we will give you a call to pick them up if the nurse feels this is best.
When do I need to pay for the upcoming week?
Payment is due for each week at the start of Monday morning, however, full payment can be taken at any time.
What is the camper-to-counselor ratio?
Each group will have a lead teacher, a handful of junior counselors, and a few juniors in training. Each rotation has an additional lead counselor.
What if my child does not know how to swim?
We ask that your child wear a life jacket and will remain in the shallow end. Swim lessons can be purchased through Blue Eagle Swim, and your child can get a lesson while at camp if you desire.
What is the best way to get information and communication about and for Camp SOAR?
Starting the month of December, we kick it into high gear with our planning. We frequently put all of our information on our Facebook page and on our website you can read anything you need to know about camp.
As soon as camp begins, you will read daily about your child's journey through our six week program! Each day, we post all of CS happenings and what to look forward to, what you may need the next day, and a week by week schedule so that you're always in the know! We pride ourselves on our communication with our camper families!
At the start of camp, one week prior - you will get a "things to know about Camp SOAR" post. Those give you any and every question you might have - what you need to bring, what your child may need, are there any fees that week, are there any field trips, etc.