See Our

There are two 1930's constructed log cabins on the grounds. One of the cabins, situated on a picturesque hillside is the home for our summer camp. There are tennis courts, basketball courts, a beach volleyball facility, a baseball field, a softball field, swings, slides, and other playground equipment.

A "state of the art", 9,000 square foot pool with water features, slides, competition lanes, and diving boards will greet our swimmers. The hilly, western sector of the Park contains a natural amphitheater for summer concerts, gatherings, and stage productions.
Camp Sessions

Dates & Themes
Spread Your Wings This Summer!
CS Comes Alive Around the World
WEEK 2: July 1 - July 5 (July 4 Off)
American Hero Week
Camp Soar Survivor Week

Welcome Back!
School is soon out for the summer, (but who's counting the days), which can only mean one thing. Camp SOAR Season 6!
We’re sure that many of you reading those three words will instantly have flashbacks to your own summer camp experiences gone by.
Some of those memories may include fun activities with friends, fireside cookouts, and taking a refreshing dip in the lake.
Summer camp is a rite of passage for many kids, teaching them to interact with new people and tackle new adventures and experiences.
Here at Camp SOAR so many amazing camp counselors and staff work tirelessly over the summer to offer experiences that the children in our community children will never forget.
Here's a quick glance at what our weeks here at Camp SOAR will offer.